What's Happening at FIRST® Long Island

On March 24 and 25, over 10,000 spectators gathered at Hofstra Arena, Hofstra University in Hempstead to watch 39 teams of high school students compete at the Long Island Regional competition to earn a spot at the FIRST USA Championship to be held April 27-29 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta GA. Several teams received honors and recognition that rewarded design excellence, competitive play, sportsmanship and high-impact partnerships between schools, businesses and communities...

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The School-Business Partnerships of Long Island (SBPLI), sponsor of the Long Island Regional FIRST Robotics Competition announced that high school students from 38 high schools, including 29 local school districts, have been tasked with the challenge and excitement of designing and building an original robot culminating in the Long Island FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Regional Competition. The competition will be held on March 24th and...

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A spirit of cooperation and teamwork permeated the gymnasium at Deer Park High School on Saturday, September 24, 2005 as robots took center court during the Deer Park Invitational, a preseason robotics competition sponsored by the School Business Partnerships of Long Island. Friendly competition coaxed problem solving skills and stellar sportsmanship from the twelve high school teams, including one team from Brooklyn, creating an engaging learning environment focused on the...

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On March 18 and 19, over 10,000 spectators gathered at Hofstra Arena, Hofstra University in Hempstead to watch 40 teams of high school students compete at the Long Island Regional competition to earn a spot at the FIRST USA Championship to be held April 21-23 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta GA. Several teams received honors and recognition that rewarded design excellence, competitive play, sportsmanship and high-impact partnerships between schools, businesses and communities...

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The School - Business Partnerships of Long Island (SBPLI), sponsor of the Long Island Regional FIRST Robotics Competition is proud to announce that four Long Island high school students from the 2004 LI-FIRST Robotics competition have been awarded scholarships from accredited institutions in the field of technology.

The four students, Andrew Anderson of Port Jefferson, Kristopher Lee of West Islip, Frederick Liguori of Longwood and Gregory Lilly of...

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On March 19 and 20, over 10,000 spectators gathered at Suffolk County Community College's Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood to watch 37 teams of high school students compete at the Long Island Regional competition to earn a spot at the Championship held April 15-17 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA. Several teams received honors and recognition that rewarded design excellence, competitive play, sportsmanship and high-impact partnerships between schools, businesses and...

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The School-Business Partnerships of Long Island (SBPLI), sponsor of the Long Island Regional FIRST Robotics Competition announced today that high school students from 37 local school districts have been tasked with the challenge and excitement of designing and building an original robot culminating in the Long Island FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Regional Competition. The competition will be held on March 18-20 at Suffolk County Community...

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The School-Business Partnership of Long Island, the coordinator of the Long Island FIRST Robotics Competition announced the results of its recently completed evaluation of the experiences of completed by students who participated in the 2002-2003 competition. Over 1000 students from thirty-five Long Island School Districts attended the event at Suffolk County Community College, Brentwood. The results, over the last three years, continue to indicate that students are more...

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